Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Time!

We carved our pumpkin today! Lily was interested for about 5 seconds...than she was over it! Daddy did a great job! We love our cute pumpkin! Happy Halloween!!!

Lily getting the guts out!

Ehhh...I'll just sit and watch! It is too gooey!

Good Job Daddy!!!!
Only Daddy would "clean" the pumpkin when finished carving it because it was too sticky!
Notice Lil in this one...she did not want to take pictures!!!

Dinner with friends!

We had some of our neighbors over last night for dinner, and I took a few pics! Your shocked, I know...... We roasted marshmallows and made S'mores with the kids, and Deanna brought over a Halloween craft for the kiddos to do! We had a great night! Tara came over with Con and Roli, and we LOVED "lovin" on them! Eric held Roli for quite awhile, and also spent some "man" time on the couch watching football with Con! CUTE!!!!! Lily LOVES the baby, and always wants to touch and feed sweet!! Love you all!!!

Busch Gardens!

We took advantage of having year passes to Busch Gardens, and went for a little yesterday! It was BEAUTIFUL outside, and we thought it would be fun to get outside and enjoy the weather! We had a great time! Lily LOVES it, and she had so much fun! We love doing things like this as a family! Love you Lil...and Daddy!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Little Gym Halloween Party!

Lily had her Little Gym Halloween Party tonight! I don't think she was feeling her best, and maybe she was just tired...but she wasn't her normal wild self at first. Later on she warmed up, and had a blast! I think she sometimes gets overwhelmed when there are tons of people around! She loved seeing all of the costumes! It was a really cute party! We love the Little Gym, and Lily just has a blast there! Love you pumpkin!