Sunday, December 6, 2009

Little Miss!

Funny got up early, and got ready for church! I even had enough time to take some pics of Lily in front of the tree before we left this morning...We pull up to church...and see the combined until Christmas...10:30...It was only 8:30! We missed last week because we were out of town, and I guess we missed the announcement that they were combining services for the next few weeks! So instead of having a 9 and an 11...they had one at 10:30. So we went home with hopes to go back...but we didn't! We started cleaning, and lost track of time!

Sneaking a touch
Yea! A smile and a look at the camera!

So Bad! HA!

Over the pictures...No...actually...she wanted a cookie! She saw a cookie on the table, and said Cookie, cookie, cookie! The girl loves her cookies!
So...I gave in and gave her a bite! I can't stand to see my precious so sad...over a cookie!
Daddy and Lily in front of our tree!


  1. That is so funny how that you were actually getting to church early to find out there wasn't a service at that time, at least you made the effort. Lily looks so cute in her pink corderoy dress with the polar bear on it, so stinken cute is what she is and her sneaky little self with the tree, I love it, I love her! Ha! She does love her cookies now, I would cry too if I wanted a cookie and didn't get one. Ha! The tree looks beautiful. GREAT pics.

  2. hahaha Of course that would least you got some great pics!! Lilys dress is to die for! ahhhdorable!! the pic of her with a huge grin by the tree... i <3 it!!! Precious!! Little poser!! too cute!
