The next day...the snow had stopped, but it was still on the ground... Granna and Pepe were gonna leave, but the roads were still really bad, and not plowed. So we were all still snowed in...we got up and had a big breakfast...and we got our warm clothes back on to go play in the snow some more! It was a BEAUTIFUL day...and it was a lot easier and more pleasant to play in the snow this day...when it was not actually was nice to get out and enjoy the pretty white fluffy snow! Granna and Daddy started making a snowman...and Lily and I went on a little walk...she still wasn't quite sure of the snow! The snowman came out GREAT!!! So Much Fun! We had a great time playing in the snow, and Lily ended up enjoying it too! After we played...Lily was so we gave her a warm bath...and she took another long winter nap!! And we played Cranium again! We had so much fun!
Great pics, looks like it was a beautiful day with the sun shining, alot more enjoyable to play in. Great job Maureen and Eric on the snow man, it looks Great, love the pics of Lily with it, especially the one of her kissing it. Fun, Fun! Stay warm and keep my baby girl bundled up!